Should I have a birth plan?

Should I have a birth plan?

Birth plans can be helpful.  They should be limited to one or two pages.  Birth plans are a good opportunity to learn what is important to you for your labor and delivery.  They can help educate you and your partner with the different things you can expect from your provider, hospital, labor and delivery.  Not every provider or hospital operates the same way. Once a birth plan is completed it allows you to discuss the things that are important to you with your healthcare provider and it allows your healthcare provider to share what they can do.

With a birth plan there needs to be an understanding that things can also change.  Sometimes unexpected complications or concerns can arise during labor and delivery.  Some of the birth plans I use with expectant parents have options, should that happen.  If you are planning a vaginal birth and you end up needing a c-section, “what would be important to you”.  In a moment of changing your birth plan, “how can you walk away feeling like you are still getting some of the things you feel are important”.

As a birth doula I offer my parents an opportunity to help them with their birth plan.  If you have a doula ask them if they offer this service.  I know one of the amazing OB’s in my area gives her patients a birth plan for them to fill out.  So ask your provider if they offer this to their patients.


  • Use the birth plan to educate yourself and your partner.
  • Keep it to one or two pages.
  • Take it to your provider so you can discuss with him or her.
  • MOST IMPORTANT: Be prepared for it to possibly change if needed to have a healthy baby and healthy momma!

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