What should you expect if you hire a birth doula?

What should you expect if you hire a birth doula?

This is based on what I do and how I practice.  Each doula has her own unique way of practicing and serving families.  This will help each mom decide what is important to her.  What she needs during labor and delivery. The things I feel are most important I have made bold.

  • A doula will help support your partner and family so they can support you.
  • A doula will help reassure your partner by keeping them calm and relaxed so they can be there for you.
  • A doula will respect your religious beliefs and practices.
  • A doula will come and labor with you at home (no matter what hour) until it is time to go to the hospital, birthing center or if you are choosing to have a home birth.
  • A doula will provide massage – belly, back, feet, whatever you need.
  • A doula will do the hip squeeze and other counter pressures to try and minimize the pain of labor.
  • A doula will remind you to stay hydrated while in labor (depending on where you are delivering a doula will encourage you to eat).
  • A doula will remind you to use the restroom during labor.
  • A doula will help with pushing.  Holding a leg, etc.
  • A doula will comfort you with a wet cool cloth on your face.
  • A doula will help you change sides while lying if you have an epidural.
  • A doula will in the event of a cesarean continue to support the mother and partner.  A doula will also support those waiting for the birth. A doula will not leave while mother is back during her cesarean.



What is a birth doula?

What is a birth doula?

Doula comes from the ancient Greek meaning “a woman who serves”. A birth doula serves women and families by providing emotional and physical support throughout pregnancy, labor and right after birth. A birth doula gives you information to enable you to make informed decisions about your pregnancy, labor and delivery. A birth doula becomes someone you can count on for love and care during this time of great excitement. As a birth doula I carry with me each and every birth I have attended over the years. I love what I DOULA!



What should you do during early labor?

What should you do during early labor?

Any signs of labor can be very exciting for some and scary for others. It can bring on a bunch of different emotions. There are several different things you can do during early labor.


– Take this time to finish packing if you are delivering in a hospital or birth center.

– Take this time to clear your mind and prepare for the journey ahead.

– Snuggle with your little one(s) if you already have children.

– Take a bath.

– Make sure and drink plenty of water and eat. You want to stay hydrated and give your body energy.

– My biggest suggestion is rest. Try and sleep if you can. It is important so you can make it through active labor.

Enjoy this time before your baby is in your arms. Enjoy the waves that wash over your body with each contraction.



Should I have a birth plan?

Should I have a birth plan?

Birth plans can be helpful.  They should be limited to one or two pages.  Birth plans are a good opportunity to learn what is important to you for your labor and delivery.  They can help educate you and your partner with the different things you can expect from your provider, hospital, labor and delivery.  Not every provider or hospital operates the same way. Once a birth plan is completed it allows you to discuss the things that are important to you with your healthcare provider and it allows your healthcare provider to share what they can do.

With a birth plan there needs to be an understanding that things can also change.  Sometimes unexpected complications or concerns can arise during labor and delivery.  Some of the birth plans I use with expectant parents have options, should that happen.  If you are planning a vaginal birth and you end up needing a c-section, “what would be important to you”.  In a moment of changing your birth plan, “how can you walk away feeling like you are still getting some of the things you feel are important”.

As a birth doula I offer my parents an opportunity to help them with their birth plan.  If you have a doula ask them if they offer this service.  I know one of the amazing OB’s in my area gives her patients a birth plan for them to fill out.  So ask your provider if they offer this to their patients.


  • Use the birth plan to educate yourself and your partner.
  • Keep it to one or two pages.
  • Take it to your provider so you can discuss with him or her.
  • MOST IMPORTANT: Be prepared for it to possibly change if needed to have a healthy baby and healthy momma!



The Purpose and Value of Labor Support Written By: Angie Stewart

To be a doula, one must serve. After all the word doula is Greek for “woman who serves”.  The doula serves pregnant, birthing, and postpartum families in many ways. They provide knowledge that can be used to achieve desired birth results. They provide unconditional support through the hardest parts of this often uncharted journey for the family.  The challenges, the unforeseen, the misunderstood, and the pain in all of its possible forms do not have to be faced alone. The doula is in your corner every step of the way. That is what labor support is.  Doulas want to make the birthing and postpartum families experience as joyful and perfect as possible. Doulas want to do whatever it takes, ethically and responsibly, to help these families achieve their goals, and play the necessary roles to get them there. A doula gives birthing families the freedom to trust their instincts and inner wisdom, and to birth without fear.

If we look back through time we can see that women have gathered in support of a woman and her family during the time of labor, delivery and postpartum.  These close knit groups have the ability to serve one another with the true meaning of agape and joy for the new life.  According to DONA’s Position Paper: The Birth Doula’s Contribution to Modern Maternity Care, the element of emotional support provided to the mother during labor, birth and right after the birth is a significant component to the emotional bond between the mother and the baby.  Additionally, women who are able to receive that kind of emotional care and physical comfort throughout the birthing process have a tendency to improve their obstetric outcomes.  When a doula is able to meet a woman and her family where they are throughout the birth process, outcomes of negative feelings can be turned into positive ones.  In the Science Daily article, Doula Support during Labor Reduces Cesarean Rates and Epidurals,a survey was performed with women who had continuous support from a doula measuring the benefits, specifically with middle and upper class women.  The support the ladies received from a doula during the study were: physical closeness; touching; eye contact with the laboring mom; guiding; reassuring and encouraging the mom and her significant other during the birth. Over a five year period they took 420 pregnant women in their 3rd trimester and provided a doula to accompany 224 of the pregnant moms, while 196 women did not get such support.  They found that, with the mothers who received doula support, the rate for cesarean deliveries were lowered by 12%, women getting an epidural dropped by 11%, and the women that were induced had a 46% decrease for a cesarean birth when compared to the women who did not have a doula.  The article also mentioned that the 196 “did not receive this intervention” indicating that there can be a positive side to the word “intervention”.  The purpose behind providing labor support is to improve the outcome throughout the birth process.  The doula is able to provide professional knowledge about the birth process, thus being able to provide educational information that will further help a laboring mother to make informed decisions about the care she is receiving during labor and delivery.

The doula’s responsibilities should be the driving force for the doula to provide the best care to a woman and her family.  In the DONA Position Paper it is stated that the way the doula and partner work together is a very important part of the doula’s responsibility allowing for optimal care of the mother.  The doula should be a helper to the partner and not overshadow the couple’s birth experience.  In the Position Paper the doula is a member of the maternity care team and they should help provide the nonmedical needs of the woman.  They should help with communication between the couple and the staff.  The DONA Code of Ethics gives the doula a clear picture of what the responsibilities are to the Clients, Colleagues, Birth Doula Profession and Society.  The client is the primary responsibility of the doula.  The doula should help provide the self-assurance the client needs through labor and delivery.  It is important to create a safe place for the client to be able to share things in confidence.  As the meaning of the word doula means “to serve”, we need to provide any woman looking for labor support with appropriate referrals if we are unable to serve them.  Doulas need to make sure that they fulfill any commitments made with a client or have appropriate backup depending on the situation.  When fees are being setup they need to be fair, reasonable and considerate for any potential clients.  The doula needs to be clear on their fee and what services will be provided to the client for that fee. It is important to treat our peers with respect, kindness fairness and good faith.  The doula’s responsibility to the Labor Support Profession should show the mission of the profession by maintaining the values and ethics of the group.  Keeping in mind that the DONA International vision is “A Doula For Every Woman Who Wants One”, one way to achieve this is to provide low cost or no cost services, when able, to families who want a doula but are unable to afford one.  Above all, the doula’s responsibility is to encourage in favor of health for moms, their babies, their family and friends.

The doula’s role is to provide comfort, care, and encouragement throughout the labor, birth, and after the birth.  DONA’s Standards of Practice outline the services to be provided by the doula.  The doula stays with the laboring mother and will try relaxation, help with moving and positioning her body during labor, provide comfort measures, and use touch while the mother is in labor.  The doula provides a calming presence to the laboring mom, partner, and other support.  The doula should provide presence and knowledge to the woman and her partner both before and after the baby is born.  Utilizing the knowledge the doula has in regards to childbirth should empower the mom and her partner to make informed, practical decisions about the birth.  One very important role as a doula is to inform the parents of their choices but it is their responsibility to never make the decisions for or prescribe medical treatment to the client.  The doula’s role should never include anything that is out of the scope of practice defined by the Limits to Practice in the Standards of Practice.  This would include vaginal exams, blood pressure checks, fetal heart tones and postpartum clinical care, as well as any other practice normally performed by a health care professional.  The doula should continue to provide emotional and physical support throughout the pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum.  The doula should support the client’s wishes expressed in her birth plan.  The doula should discuss with the mom her desires for the birth and educate her on achieving those desires, including making her aware of any risks and/or hurdles involved.  The doula will encourage the mother and her partner to speak with her health care provider in regards to the client’s desires prior to birth.  While the doula is an advocate for the mom she should not make decisions for the couple or speak in place of the woman or her partner.  The doula should provide a quiet presence, allowing for birth to work in its most natural form.

In closing, the benefits of labor support to the mother and her family are an important part of the way that a mom is left feeling after the birth of her baby and the special bond that is formed during that time.  The purpose behind providing labor support to the laboring mom and her partner is that it helps provide them the knowledge and empowerment they need to successfully complete the journey of labor and delivery and increases the likelihood of a positive birth experience.  The doula’s responsibilities encompass the true meaning of the word doula.  It is a woman who serves a family by sharing words of encouragement, concern for the woman and her partner and compassion towards a couple embarking on a great journey.  The role of a doula can improve the medical outcomes when the needs of the mother are met throughout labor and delivery.  A doula gives birthing families the freedom to trust their instincts and inner wisdom, and to birth without fear.

